Cut That Out!

Earlier today I had to deal with a situation involving one of my children and inappropriate use of their electronics. As we spoke about it I asked what they thought an fair consequence should be, and I have to say I was shocked at what came next. Not only did the child suggest losing privlidges (that was a given in their mind, I’m sure) they told me they were actually relieved because technology had taken over their life. I was floored to hear those words voluntarily come out of their mouth because I had long assumed taking away their gadgets would be the most effective punishment Kim and I could impose, but I was wrong. It turns out, at least in this case, it was a blessing rather than a curse.

In Matthew 5:27-30 Jesus instructs His hearers to take some drastic steps when it comes to sin. The context of the passage is adultery, but the advice can be universally applied to ALL sin. If there is something causing us to stumble it HAS to go – not as a punishment, but a blessing. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is worth the cost of falling into the pit of despair and destruction a lifestyle of sin brings, and since Jesus has our best interests at heart He warns us here that no step is too drastic in order to stay safe. No, He was not advocating self-maiming, but He was saying that we need to count the cost when it comes to holding on to things that open the door to Satan.

While not pleased to have to deal with this issue I do have to give my child credit because they saw the danger and were willing to accept the consequences of their actions. I’m also pleased that they want to change, even though it costs something. But again, NOTHING is worth that which the Lord has in store for us, and anything we “cut” out will be replaced tenfold. So cut it out my friends and watch new growth sprout like you never imagined. 


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